Business Diaries latest episode with Amba Kali

  • In the latest Business Diaries podcast episode, we looked back to a story shared by Amba Kali about a traumatic past and how she took a “leap of faith into the invisible”.

    From a disruptive and toxic traumatic relationship, she decided to rise above her fears and live the life she wanted for her and her daughter. With only a big dream to hold onto, no money, no qualification, and no support – she paved her way to becoming who she is now.

    Our storyteller this month is Amba Kali, a fifth-generation Vedic tantric healer, coach, mentor, and priestess from India. She is a master of energy flow and specializes in clearing energetic blocks, karma, emotional trauma, and mental obstacles.

    Pondering her inspirational journey, Amba reminded us that believing and having faith in yourself is the first step you need to take and says, “It doesn’t matter what people say, what matters is what you believe.”

    In our discussion with Amba, podcast hosts Lisa and Islay reflect on:

    • The journey to reach your goal is not easy, but it is not impossible either
    • Having faith and courage is what it takes to turn things around
    • Business is a beautiful process of self-development
    • Asking for help is not a sign of being weak
    • Balancing out the negative with positive
    • Finding the problem to create an effective solution
    • Knowing yourself and your soul is power
    • What you do now matters

    We also discuss tantra and the many misconceptions along with how generational trauma can affect us.

    There is a lot to consider and ponder in this episode.

    We hope you enjoy it as much as we have.

    Islay and Lisa


    Amba’s website is, and you can connect with her via email at

    For more information on the Business Diaries, CLICK HERE.


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