Do you run a business? Are you the head down, get on with it quietly type? Maybe something of a workaholic who is too busy actually doing the work to run around all over the place shouting about it? Do you wonder if your story is even worth telling in the first place?
We all have a story
Well, as business people, we all have a story, and it is almost always worth telling. What gave you your inspiration in the first place? Did you always know that you would end up doing what you are doing now? Was there a crossroads moment? Did unforeseen circumstances push you in an unexpected direction? Did you have a mentor or a role model, maybe someone who continues to inspire you even to this day? What challenges have you faced and overcome?
Our stories have heroes and villains
You may believe that your story is no better or more interesting than anyone else’s. But we are all the heroes in our own stories, and you are certainly the hero in the story of the success of your business. So tell that story with pride. Talk about the highs and lows. The periods of doubt and uncertainty. The sleepless nights. The inner voice that talked you round. The lightbulb moments of clarity. Your strength of purpose. And where does family fit into all of this? Are you juggling? Have there been times when you have felt as if you were walking a tightrope?
Our story is what makes us unique
All this forms part of your story, and your story is unique to you. It’s open-ended, of course it is, but that is a good thing, like an unsolved mystery or an unfinished classic. Somewhere further down the line, there will be more to add, loose ends to tie up and new bridges to be crossed. But it will always be worth telling, because your story is yours and yours alone.
We need to allow ourselves time to develop our story and be comfortable sharing it
Of course, it is easy for me to talk about the value of your story in the abstract medium of a website blog. It can be much harder for somebody unused to public speaking to stand up in front of an audience and hold that audience enthralled with an interesting flow encompassing a compelling beginning, middle and end. That takes practise, training even. But it is an investment worth making because you are the face of your business and telling your story will give you a personal connection with your customers that no amount of advertising could buy.
If you feel that you would like to tell your story, but need a little guidance, please read on as I am running a practical, interactive workshop in partnership with public speaking coach Aly Harrold where you will learn how to craft your business story and deliver it in a memorable way.
Storytelling for Speakers. Wednesday 18th July 10-4pm Mercure Hotel, Pembury, Tunbridge Wells
In this workshop, Aly and I will show you how to create and deliver a great story that engages your new and potential customers and sells you and your business.
We will give you the tools to further refine your story, exercises to build your vocal clarity, along with a clear understanding of how and why storytelling is vital in marketing your business and above all – the confidence to go out there and deliver it.
To book and to find out more, please click here
Aly and I look forward to welcoming you.
Thank you and photo credit to David Iskander on Unsplash
Relevant articles: Why is Storytelling so important in Business?
Is my story worth telling?