“Amusing, challenging, inspirational, sometimes very moving, but always worth hearing.”
It’s the beginning of spring and a time to look forward with anticipation to new growth and, in my case, a new venture. Having been in the field of PR and communications for a long time, I know better than most that it is the story that moves hearts and minds and is so much more persuasive than a data dump in a continually rolling set of PowerPoint slides.
This is why I am excited to be launching the Business Diaries in Tunbridge Wells, where local business-people will be sharing some of their personal and professional business-related experiences in a comfortable and convivial setting.
Because storytelling is the oldest means of sharing information and is as popular, and relevant, today as it has ever been. With the prevalence of smart devices and rolling 24-hour news, the latest update is never far away, but the demand for authenticity has never been stronger. And there is no doubt that powerful stories, which inspire and educate, can launch movements and change lives.
Getting to know the ‘real’ person behind the business
There will be four or five speakers/storytellers at each event, speaking on a shared theme for 10-12 minutes TED-talk style, without the aid of slides. The aim is to hear people’s stories and, as a result, get to know the ‘real’ person inside; their motivations, values and the experiences which have shaped these and helped to make them who they are today.
It is a not-for-profit event and is not about promoting any individual businesses, but more about sharing experiences which will motivate, inspire and entertain us. At previous events in Medway, there has been a rich variety in the stories told. They have been amusing, challenging, inspirational, sometimes very moving, but always worth hearing.
Save the date – 26th April
The launch event will take place in the Havanna Room at the Hotel Du Vin, Crescent Road, Tunbridge Wells, TN1 2LY on April 26th, 2018, with subsequent events to follow on July 5th & October 14th.
Tickets for April are £10 and can be purchased via Eventbrite
For more information, please visit: https://islayohara.co.uk/the-business-diaries/
Or contact Islay O’Hara on 07801 240127 or email islay@islayohara.co.ukThe Business Diaries – where stories are shared and new ventures are born
Please help us to spread the word by liking and sharing our social media pages – thank you.
The Business Diaries, launching in Tunbridge Wells